By B.J. HalfDragon
Most people have a very dumbed down Idea of how Christianity works. The basic Idea is “I accepted Christ in my heart, get my free past to Heaven, and I’m set.” Nothing could be further from the truth. I mean sure you’re saved but the holy spirit we’ll force you ahead.
If your to be serious about being Cristian you need to do three things
Love God, Love others, Make disciples.
Here Some disciplines you should practice to make this happen,
1. Daily Prayer This seems not important but keeping your vertical connection to god is vital. Just remember A.C.T.S.
Adoration: remember who you’re talking to, God deserves your respect.
Confession: we are only human, confession is always a good Idea.
Thanks: Gratitude is practiced, especially to God.
Supplication: A fancy word for asking God for your needs. He wants to and loves to fulfill your needs.
2. Daily Bible reading is important for Christians. How can you claim to practice a faith you know nothing about. Make no mistake Christianity is meant to be practiced. Christ said “if you love me you will obey my commandments.”John 14:15. How are you to obey him if you do not know what he asks of you?
3. Journaling This is important because it goes along with prayer and bible reading. You can keep track of the prayers and their answers. Also you keep track of scriptures you don’t understand and others you want to apply to your life.
4. Church Attendance I can not stress enough how important this is. No one is an Island. You need support. Places where you can work together to put Christian faith must be put to work. Volunteering and evangelizing are group activities.
5.Tithing Giving of time and money will free blessings for you. More importantly Giving of yourself to the faith helps progress your walk. It always helps to have skin in the game. How much is up to you.
6. Fasting A practice that is often misunderstood. Most people think it means to refrain from eating,and it can include that. However, it can also mean refraining from something that does not aid in spiritual growth. You could refrain from video games, social media, or inappropriate Music to name a few. Removing things from your life that may not be bad per say but are not helping bare fruit is a big part of living the Christian life.
For more on this get Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney
Click on this link FollowingChrist.Online/SpirtualDisciplines